» » In order to develop the blog was taken following English

In pursuit of the development of the code and keep up with the latest and the best quotes and information
Were taken the following procedure:
Given the diversity and multiplicity of languages ​​Visitors

 Some of the topics will be written in both Arabic and English-
And dissemination ....

 Some of the topics will be written in other languages ​​if possible-.

Interest permeated more
As for the video, which the clips are displayed in English
Will be translated in writing during the display section

 Will cooperate with other blogs and accompanying exchange  announcement Blogs "taking into account the conditions and rights."

- Other posts can be deployed in the blog after approval through- the blog book and sent in Next xx123xx16@hotmail.com mail or e-mail me your or + google.

Waiting for your opinions and suggestions

Thank you

عن المدون Unknown

مدون عربي اهتم بكل ماهوة جديد في عالم التصميم وخاصة منصة بلوجر
رسالة أقدم
رسالة أحدث

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